Course curriculum
Assessment Dates & Announcements
Tutorial Sessions (Zoom Link)
1. Orientation for Marine Sciences PDF
1. Orientation to Marine Science - Tutorial
History of Marine Sciences Essay
8. History of Marine Sciences Research and Ocean Discovery PDF
How to write an essay
Ocean Navigators - Enrichment
8. History of Marine Sciences Research and Ocean Discovery - Tutorial 22-01-25
8. History of Marine Sciences Research and Ocean Discovery - Tutorial slides 22-01-25
2. South African Marine Ecosystems PDF
2. Marine Ecosystems
2. South African marine ecosystem - slides
Agulhas Current - Enrichment
Upwelling - Enrichment
2.South African marine Ecosytems Tutorial
3. Topography of the ocean floor and ocean basins PDF
3. Topography Of Ocean Floor Part 1
3. Topography of Ocean floor Part 2
3. Topography of the Ocean Floor - slides
History of Seabed Mapping - Enrichment
Scientists see the ocean floor via SONAR - Enrichment
Bathymetry - Enrichment
Tutorial Slides_Topography

About this course
- 126 lessons
- 22 hours of video content

Head of Marine Sciences Curriculum FET Marnus Smith

Deputy Head of Ocean Campus Bianca Engel